
The main objects:

    1. To engage, establish, promote blood banking services, promote voluntary blood donation services, establish blood centres, hospitals and explore in scientific medical research in the field of  transfusion medicine , immnohaematology, tissue banking,  tissue transplantation, cellular therapies and molecular testing, blood cell therapies, cancer, blood disorders, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke , dengue, malaria, chikungunya, tuberculosis,  and public health issues such as HIV/ AIDSAIDS, hepatitis  to improving the health and well-being of people – locally, nationally and internationally – through excellence in research, education and services

Other objects :

    1. To establish and promote inclusive medical education with the help of leading experts in transfusion medicine and other different medical disciplines, while retaining and developing  the  best medical care opportunities in India.
    2. To organize training programs and internships for students in the units, establishments and institutions so as to enable them to gain practical exposure in their work domain to complement their theoretical study.
    3. To establish, operate, promote, run, maintain and manage institutions, hospitals, medical centres, blood centres engaged in  advancement of transfusion medicine, research on blood, blood products, treatment protocol  research pertaining to  general field of  medical care, health management , hygiene, infectious diseases ,public health and social sciences.
    4. To organize, promote, execute, sponsor, conduct programs, events, forums, seminars, fairs, workshops, conferences, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, expositions, in India through any or  all  kinds  of  media  like print, books/periodicals, television, film, digital, audio/video or audio  visual,  computer  media,  of  cultural,  arts,  social  welfare, social, technical, educational importance and for creating awareness of healthcare amongst the society at large and promoting exchange of knowledge, information other benefits for the general public.
    5. To open and operate community therapy and rehabilitation centers providing rehabilitation and other supports such as blood transfusion, occupational therapy, counselling and assistive devices to the  disadvantaged  children and adults with disabilities.
    6. To encourage, assist and extend knowledge  and  information  whether by establishment and promotion of lectures, or discussions or correspondence or by holding of and representing at national and international conferences or by the establishment of libraries, or by encouraging research work or howsoever otherwise to achieve the objects of the company.
    7. To arrange, institute and award appropriate fellowships, prizes, scholarships and stipends in furthering the objectives of the company.
    8. To make specific efforts to guide students and  counsel  them  for  medical  care and health care in a proper, systematic and a structured way.